Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Value of Wordle & Art History

Animoto: The Value of Art History

The Educational Value of Animoto

Animoto is an outstanding and free application found online:

This exceptional, free application permits teachers -- or anyone -- to take key pieces of the most salient information and easily generate a beautiful video that breathes life into what would normally be a static listing of information.

Teachers can select from an extensive list of themed frames that lay the groundwork or tone for the video production.  With just a bit of healthy research on the topic at hand, Animoto prepares all of the details in advance so that one may easily launch the subject matter with great flair!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Educational Value of a Wordle

Wordles are defined as a word cloud or a tagged cloud.

They are often used by educators to give students a mental snapshot or at-a-glance example of key words linked to a particular lesson. The value of Wordles is that they are so easily created and can be printed out as a handout or, they can be projected onto a screen at the head of the classroom or, they can be embedded just about anywhere online!

Wordles are a quick, handy, and colorful graphic image that brings a rhythm and vibration to an otherwise boring list of key words as related to a particular lesson.  Wordles offer a dash of inspiration and energy to those interested in a particular topic.

In this file, the Wordle is particularly well-matched to this lesson in Art History.  The lesson provides a clear cut timeline about how Art and the most relevant Art History milestones evolved across the ages. The lesson is succinct and eliminates wading through pages of what appears to be unrelated historical facts. The subject matter breathes new life into the relevance of Art History in every day life. 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Value of Understanding the Relevance of Art History

Art is the place where history, religion, psychology, politics and culture converge.

Artists have, and continue to interpret their experiences.

Art historians interpret the objects made and how they become historical records of human development.

Visual analysis, expression of Art, and the application of conceptual frameworks are essential to understanding across history, religions, psychology, politics, and cultures.

In this 21st Century, knowledge and information produced is communicated through images.

Art History teaches us to understand the ways in which people have created and employed images and how they embody important ideas of the day and are cherished aspirations of cultures around the globe.

Through analysis or practice, Art History provides the key to a  deeper, broader, and more profound insight and understanding of the human experience.

From an informed understanding of Art History, the purpose, communicative power, and problem-solving skills develop from studying and creating personal works of Art. Through Art History, Art becomes intellectually honest, personalized, and a useful tool to understanding and connecting with the world.